Conservation and Repair Papers

Washi Arts has a comprehensive selection of fine papers for conservators that includes many variations of pure Japanese kozo, gampi and mitsumata papers – both hand and machine made – in a wide range of weight and tone.

Kozo is appropriate for almost any paper conservation technique because of its wet strength, its long strong fibre (10-15mm) and its malleability. For guarding signatures, hinging, attaching cover to book, repairing page tears, kozo is the best choice. We carry at least 50 variations of kozo from 5g. tengu-jo in rolls for repairing over print to 100g. Kurotani kozo for backing very heavy maps or documents. Top quality papers like Inoue 21g., Sekishu Hanshi Mare, Kurotani #16 and Usumino are all very popular with conservators for a range of repair.

Gampi has limited use for conservators, but is sometimes used in the repair of vellum bindings as a match for the sheen of vellum.

Mitsumata is occasionally used for the particular tone which is sometimes close to the colou of aged paper, but its strength is not as great as that of kozo which is better for most uses in conservation


Below is a browseable online version of the Conservation Sampler we have compiled for your reference. To purchase this ten page set of 79 samples that you can touch and feel – click here.